Books By AlAn stephens The Sum (1958, Alan Swallow) Between Matter and Principle (1963, Alan Swallow) The Heat Lightning (1967, Bowdoin College Museum of Art) Tree Meditation and Others (1970, Swallow Press) White River Poems (1976, Swallow Press) In Plain Air (1982, Swallow Press) Water Among the Stones (1987, privately printed) Stubble Burning (1988, Robert L. Barth) Goodbye Matilija (1992, Living Batch Press) The White Boat (1995, Buckner Press) Away from the Road (1998, Living Batch Press) Collected Poems (2012, Dowitcher Press) Selected Poems (2012, Dowitcher Press) Running at Hendry’s: Sonnets (2012, Dowitcher Press)