on the back of the hand, its soft white light fl oods shoulder fi ngers pencil note pad and desk surface, notes on old soiled scraps of paper, the Hölderlin, the glasses case, the black bowl by Blue Corn, the Hokusai Fishermen Draw in Their Nets While a Poet Meditates in a Distant Hut, the Porsche ad, The City Porsche, cut out of an old Time years ago, a blue-silver 914 driven by a blonde up a hill in San Francisco, the 0.5 liter earthenware coff ee mug, the drafts of a poem, "migraine's fancy stitching" a phrase at the corner of the eye, piles of old letters -- the latest from Helle -- a lucite box of dry fl ies, clippings of reviews of books wanted, a lump of turquoise and a piece of white granite veined with green from the Snowy Range in Wyoming, white glue, a pen light disassembled its batteries exposed, a bit of paper folded so that a quote from Pope sits up, and crawling across all this comes the black cat, Christmas, so much admired by the family, cautiously lowering and lengthening her body, one glossy paw testing for a spot to sleep in, settling instead for the window shelf, hind quarters on a New York Review, front quarters, and cheek, on an old rabbit pelt, a paw curled over her eyes. |