the Poison Oak has turned the scarlet of October in mid-June -- an early quitter. Before noon feeling worn out -- hot and out of breath, glasses sweaty, up here with scant water and no food, he was resting on a shady boulder out in mid-stream. The little stream had led him on. He had not thought he would go so far up in. Dry through much of its course, here the Matilija still ran -- slow, low, clear. (And not potable.) Through the heat-tremors, high on the stony slope, in full sun, a scattering of that early scarlet showed, in with a stand of the satiny white fl ower-like dried bracts of the California Ever- lasting. It made a fi ne mock wildfl ower stand astir in the quivery glare and gusts of baking air -- dry air streaked with faintest tangs (was he imagining this?) off the chaparral, off Yarrow, off the bitter and the minty |