being felled a mile westward, the great sections of the trunks and limbs like fallen big game in Africa -- great females slain and strewn about -- but what is this but an incident I drove past the summer day they fell in a solid world. bluestem, wild rye. A kind of sharp-edged grass bends evenly, as if combed, over the bank of the ditch, trailing its tips in the brown water. Woodbine, planted by a bird dropping, doubtless, grows here -- it would come from an old vine in the yard, set out by some grandparent. It is fl ourishing in here. is blooming -- clusters of dull or dead pink fl owers, spikey petals set on a fl esh-like protrusion, a hole opening in the center shaped like a fi ve-pointed star; the sweet odor's attracting not only bees but ants -- large |