sunfl ower, the six diff erent sages, the streamside Bays, the Yerba Santa, that tastes bitter at fi rst, later on, cool; all the while, from upstream and down there came the diff erent water sounds over various distances, changing with the swerves of the light wind, the occasional gusts. This was one of the times when the more carefully you listen to the water, the less you can tell whether it's partly voices of hikers approaching upstream or down, blent over the middle distances, varying in pitch, in loudness -- or is nothing but noises of the water going fast through the shallows, or slipping over low sandstone ledges, or pooled behind jammed boulders and splitting into narrow falls -- sounds fi ltering through the shadowy Alders and Bays, mixed in with their rustlings, carried by the air currents over water currents, or glancing off the damp stone of a cliff , in the near day-long shadow and coolness of the narrows not too far up from here. |