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There is another kind,
Most thoughtfully arranges
to keep back the Pol Pots),
Tries to be practical,
And not to lose its nerve
When its benefi ts have a way
Of turning into curses....
(So much for those crabbed Day verses --
At least they led to the Night
With what -- but did you guess? --
Would bring us our happiness.)
geron at 3:00 a.m.
August, a full moon.
Avoid that window. The lawn
Is cold white marble.
geron's song
Spring again and now we'll see
If a bent, stiff tree
That the gritty north wind scours
Can put out some fl owers.
night piece
also he hath set the world in their heart
Back from a trip up north,
From the big bridges over the bays
From the fast or slow, squalid or clean, old or unfi nished, sad freeways