Crickets from where the hill is steep, 12 Darkness comes on..., 67 Dear Mother Muse, 175 Decrepit-looking, the elm, 266 Deep dusk, the quarter moon strong Don't be a fool, leave the important Driving down with KABC Sports-talk Dusk -- city and harbor lighting up Each of us varyingly, 114 Eastward goes, by wagon, 398 Eating alone, what shall I have along, 119 Edging between the truck, 262 -- evergreens gravely, 221 Fall came and he took a leave, 25 Fifty-one runs with nineteen and Forgot his notes? Over-confi dent?..., 63 For picking a high place, 21 For years this stream ran clear, 20 Fran and I much alone this bright mild From the dark of the stacks, 375 From this retreating a glimpse, 56 Going to Pine Mountain again, 65 Gray inside, and the overcast, 80 Han Shan, old, in three poems, 9 Happy to fi nd myself among, 52 Hard wind, rain; I the only one out here, Have to fi nd me a clump of grass, 65 Hayt, Pitkin, Byers, Fisk, 319 Hearing him now on the car stereo, 52 Heavily from the shadeless plain to the Here were no noises of high-up water, 56 He still has poems to write, 25 Home as are his brothers on a visit, 164 Home for the convalescence..., 162 Homesick, building a fl y rod on the Homeward, and how sudden, 231 However it may be with me, 168 How fi ne if Tsukioka..., 65 How much I missed this place..., 178 How strong the young tree is, and heavy, I'd read of the vast reptiles..., 287 I drive up on the headland, 282 ...if time is friend, 248 I gave my blossoms and my fruit..., 278 I have come here late in the day, 100 I know the heron that's made this beach I make out the white bulk in the dark, 220 In photographs the light fl ashes, 386 In the near dark two runners stagger in, In this fi fth year of drought, 59 I pick my way through a parking lot |