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They chiefl y cared for roaming about the country.
-- Q. You ascribe Mr. Meeker's trouble, then,
to his strict application of the rules?
-- A. I think that was the groundwork of his trouble.
-- Q. Did they object to Mr. Meeker's plowing?
-- A. Yes, sir. Most bitterly. They said they needed
that ground for grass, for ponies. -- Q. Do you know
of any intrusions by miners or stock raisers
into their Reservation? -- A. I do not.
-- Q. This Middle Park, where you have your property,
adjoins the Reservation? -- A. That is correct.
It is a part of the purchase made by treaty
in 1868.
From the Sioux? -- A. No, sir.
The purchase was from the Utes. -- Q. I thought the Utes never owned
that. -- A. They claimed it, and we bought it.
by Mr. POUND:
What are these regions you designate as parks?
-- A. They are depressions in the mountain range,
like prairies ringed with mountains. The word "park"
is the old Spanish designation, "parc."
Former Indian Bureau Commissioner
A.D. Fisk, on earlier Ute
... and if you will permit me, I will read
from the report for 1877
by Agent Danforth, Meeker's predecessor
at the White River Agency. He says:
"An unusual number of Indians have been off the reservation during
the past year, and they remained away for some time. There are several