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lacks discipline and its young are neither heirs
nor its successors. I can get the men
to work day after day on penalty
of withholding extra rations. This in fact
is a kind of "compulsory education." So
with plenty of coff ee, sugar, and dried peaches --
and time, some time -- why, I can lead them forward
to civilization.
Springtime: he recounts a talk with Jane, who as an orphan,
in the Uintah band, was made a slave in the lodge of the chief;
he sold her to one Judge Carter, whom she served as a maid
till he released her, on her wish to marry. Now
she is Arvilla's helper in and about the house:
N.M. -- Jane, you will be planting your garden soon,
but last summer's style of gardening is played out.
Jane -- Played out? How so?
N.M. -- Well, after things are planted
it will not do for you to canter off
and leave the weeding and watering up to me.
You, or some of your family, must stay
three moons and work your crops. No one else will.
Jane -- Three moons? What for? One hoeing is enough.
N.M. -- No, you must hoe them three times, perhaps four,
and keep watch of them.
Jane -- But we never done so before, and we had heaps.
N.M. -- Anything you have this year, you must work for.
Jane -- Why can't white men do the work
as before? They understand it. We don't.
N.M. -- I worked your garden last year, carrying
hundreds of pails of water; but the new ditch
brings plenty of water now, and you yourselves
can raise your garden.
Jane -- But Mr. Meeker, ain't you paid to work?
N.M. -- Not to work for you.