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white river poems 321
pouring rapidly into Colorado
which must be fed principally from the soil
of that State, which has little arable land --
perhaps less than 10 per cent. That land is needed
to support this population of white people.
Of course I would not take these Indians
to Indian Territory till they had been paid
every dime owed them by the Government.
-- Q. But looking to the interest of the Indians themselves
would our experience with the Nez Perces
teach us that that would be good policy?
-- A. Possibly they would lose some lives; however,
as they became acclimated, in perhaps
two years, they would be healthy there. However,
my policy on the removal of these Indians
is fl exible and general; my report
calls for their resettlement, but where
is a matter for discussion.
This policy
of fi lling up that country with wild Indians --
how will it aff ect the neighboring states?
-- A. My impression is, if you put the Indians there
with military posts along the borders
the Indians will be in a sense corralled
and the white settlers would then be secure.
Do you think the Utes would consent to be removed
to Indian Territory? -- A. I am glad you asked;
for I would not remove them without their consent
fairly obtained -- unless they have been on the war-path,
and have forfeited their rights. Such Indians
would be removed at the government's discretion.