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white river poems 349
True, these workers are of the party in power,
and take pride in this, especially in being
on the side of the government: but I have no doubt
but the other side will, in a year or so, come over.
And then some other subject will be found
to quarrel about.
Naturally I think
of the result should the Army rule come in.
The West Point man knows mathematics, some
history, and many novels. He is a judge
of wine, perhaps, but he has no knowledge
of how much seed is sown to an acre, nor when
it is sown -- or reaped: nor what a day's work is
in a fi eld; he knows nothing of hot-beds,
nor of small-fruit culture; has not the remotest notion
of township organization, by which schools
and roads and fences are established, knows
nothing of the primary wants of families
as they advance from one state to the next.
Another thing: the Indians fear soldiers
more than can be told. Soldiers in charge
would halt all progress in farming and schooling
even among these peaceable Utes. I speak
from experience, and labor, and success
with the White River Indians, when I say
it would be a cruel and an unwise thing
to place soldiers in charge here, and break up
what seems so happily begun.
Early summer: he thinks of work and education:
... It seems to me that work
goes before education. Only a worker
can gain an idea of the use of schooling.
A savage can have no notion of the value
of knowing many things. The savage family