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stubble burning 131
With their quite elegant curves
From the seedy cities squeezed in hard
(Hard on the nerves!)
Around the windy shores
To extrude their immaculate glassy high rectangulars,
With cash or credit card ...
And so forth;
And at the same time back
From the fi ne old streets under oak shade
Calm airy rooms where you can hear the old music beautifully played
Shops intelligently run
For cheese, fruit, wine, bread -- all in trim
In the morning sun;
For books, the bright Black Oak,
And, in the City, that lovely old lady's, with its choice stock
Hid in a cool and dim
Back (and I'm motion-dizzy)
From too much desired and undesired ...
van Gogh in Arles thought it a pity that Parisians never acquired
A palate for such crude
Things as a rough-hewn wooden chair
Or earthenware,
`But there, one must not lose
Heart because Utopia's not coming....' Rather choose
To buy paint (then maybe food)
And get busy....