spear points, rays,
ribs, arcs of green
(ocean makes a hush-hush
hush hush sound
with varying rumbles
under it: the sound
looms inland
-- green clasps the eye wherever ...
yesterday at nightfall when
you and I bedded down
in the lee behind the dunes
by the fi re's fl icker
we listened to the ocean
sounding overhead --
it was as if we lay
beneath huge trees
in a wind storm)
Mrs. B. -- "I went back down to Georgia for a couple of days. I don't
like it down South, too many trees."
-- shapes of fern splashed up
in green by the rains
the ribs aslant along a narrow
arching stem with plenty
of springiness in it
when caught in air movements
even when still they seem active
above the ground where you stop,
your fi gure clear, remote,