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No, be separate again, be one Ute,
If that is possible -- a teamster
Once again. Then some soldiers, questions
And a sudden argument
About a horse theft and `Jack was wounded
As he ducked into a teepee.
When the soldiers pulled down the teepee
Jack ran into another.'
I remember him by what it took to kill him.
`He was protected from our bullets
By bales of robes and rawhides.
He fi red his carbine and killed
Sergeant Casey. I then caused a shell
From a mountain howitzer
To be fi red into the teepee in which Ute Jack
Was barricaded, killing him.'
a bundle of colorow's things
his pipe
It lies in a glass case,
the bowl cut from red stone
rubbed smooth, the stem
carved of some pale wood.
on the stem's upper surface
a tortoise, a deer's head,
two ears of corn
laid side by side, and
the head of a mountain goat,
all in a row, spaced evenly
in high relief, each detail
clear-edged. From the dead
air of the case the pipe
calls up in its workmanship
a carver hunched with his knife